Even though eyelash extensions are easy to maintain, proper care and maintenance will maximize the life of your lash extensions. Certain activities can weaken the adhesive bond and result in premature loss of your lash extensions.

    • Do not get your lashes wet for the first 24 hours

    • Do not use a spa, sauna, hot tub, steam room, or pool for the first 24 hours

    • Do not run shower water directly on your lashes

    • Avoid rubbing, pulling, or picking your lashes

    • Do not use an eyelash curler

    • Try sleeping on your back so that your lashes are left untouched by the pressure of the pillow

    • Do not use regular eye masks

    • Avoid oil-based eye care products and oil-based makeup removers

    • Avoid the eye area when applying facial and eye creams


    Only approved products can be put on immediately after a lift to prevent your lash lift from falling. We also advise that because the clients lashes are still malleable a side sleeper or face sleeper can notice one or both eyes can raise or drop, leaving the lashes misshaped. Sleeping on the back is best. Here is a list of things to avoid using on lashes for a minimum of 24 hours:

    • Heat / steam (including cooking over steaming stovetop & saunas)

    • Water, oils, lotions, creams, shampoos, face washes, makeup remover wipes or pads

    • Avoid waterproof mascara. If you apply mascara after the 24 hour safe period make sure that you remove it with cold water at the end of the day


    The use of a styling product and nourishing product is required to re-establish the position of the hairs after a brow lamination - doubles as a nourishing and styling product. After wetting brows (AFTER INITIAL 48HRS) It is necessary to gently brush them back into place. Here are some things to try and avoid:

    • Trimming or tweezing/waxing for as long as possible prior to brow appointment.

    • Exfoliation of the skin around the brow area for 48Hrs.

    • Avoid using retinols, vitamin A, AHA's, BHA's, steroid creams or skin thinning treatments for at least 48 hours post treatment.


    Please note that we do recommend any form of waxing if you fit the below contraindications:

    • Accutane must be discontinued for at least 6 months.

    • Acne medication (Differin, Retin-A) must be discontinued for at least 2 weeks.

    • Hair must be ½ inch. If it is too short, the wax will be unable to grab ahold of the hair for proper removal.


    • Do not shave or exfoliate the day of the treatment.

    • Schedule waxing appointments 5-7 days prior to active chemical exfoliation or microdermabrasion, 14 days prior for sensitive skin.

    • Avoid sensitizing products with artificial fragrances, harsh preservatives and dyes.

    • Get a signed consent from your medical professional prior to your appointment if there is any question about interactions with medications or sensitive health conditions.

    • If you have a history of immune dysfunction, resistant bacterial infections or extreme ingrown hair, please get approval from your medical professional prior to appointment.

    • Please arrive freshly showered for all waxing appointments.


    • Avoid sunlight – light exposure without sunscreen will result in undesirable pigmentation.

    • Be gentle with your skin. Do not use exfoliating products or acne treatments or alpha hydroxy acid products for 5-7 days. Focus on moisture and barrier protection, with items like barrier repair, vaseline or desitin ointment.

    • Do not re-wax over treated area for 5-7 days, or 14 days for sensitive skin.

    • Avoid products with artificial fragrance and dyes.

    • Apply SPF 30+ every 2 hours for the first 48 hours, even if you do not plan on being in the sun.

If you have more questions please reach out !